My Idaho at 120 BPM

Being Blue in a Red State


Rugged mountain peaks, free flowing rivers, amazing geological formations, beautiful forests and pristine lakes.
These are a few of the reasons I love Idaho. Democratic senator Frank Church and Governor Cecil Andrus recognized
the value of these natural places and were successful gaining federal protection for much of these lands. Along
with agriculture and ranching, Idaho is defined by it’s wild places.

It has been a while since Idaho has had any Democratic leadership and the state is now known as one of the
most conservative in America. Somewhat isolated, mostly white and highly religious, Idaho can sometimes feel a
little orthodox.

Coexisting in this right wing environment has me constantly contemplating the ins and outs, the lefts and rights of many divisive issues,
therefore I have created this platform to document my experiences, share my music, continue to educate myself on issues and
occasionally express my opinions on life as a liberal in the naturally beautiful yet conservative state of Idaho.